This year, SCALA has helped more businesses than ever redefine their supply chains in the wake of unprecedented industry pressures which look set to continue well into next year.
Some of the projects our Team have been working on for a wide range of major companies include:
- Warehouse Design and Optimisation both in Standard and E-comm Sites
- Logistics Efficiency Study
- Third Party Logistics Contract Reviews, Negotiations and Tenders
- Logistics Benchmarking
- End to End Supply Chain Review
- Warehouse Strategy Review
- Route to Market
- Operational Excellence & Supplier Management
- Warehouse Concept Viability Assessment
- WMS Implementation
- Network Resilience Review
Alongside this, our two Best Practice Forums in the areas of Grocery and Home Appliance & Homeware have continued to grow this year and we are delighted that we have an exciting year of meetings planned for our groups for 2023.
We will also be launching our new systemised Annual Supply Chain Cost and Performance Benchmarking Study in January, which is included within Membership for our Forum participants but will also be open to other relevant companies who may wish to take part in 2023.
Times are not easy at the moment but SCALA will continue to do all we can to help businesses make their supply chains more efficient, more sustainable and more agile whilst continuing our mission of facilitating the sharing of best practice and learning between businesses.
We hope to see you along the way.